Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The One True Way

I saw a TED Talk from Chris McDougall last year and found it very interesting. I've included it at the bottom of this post. Recently Chris wrote a piece in the New York Times about the "one true way" to run, without injury, for the long term. It's an interesting read, and I tried to modify my stride a bit and it definitely seemed to cut down on my impact on the treadmill. Hard to tell on the gravel outside.

When looking for the article later, I ran across a few more posts. Here's one good one that talks about Chris' piece and how there might not be as much science, or even truth about it as the NYT piece seems to indicate.

There's also a response on running form that seems to match up more with what I think.There isn't one way for everyone, nor one shoe for everyone. I tend to run upright, with a shorter stride that I've built over my streak that seems to work well for me, without a lot of pounding. I considered changing to more barefoot shoes, and I might try it at some point, but for now I like my shoes, my stride, and feel good.

1 comment:

Rah said...

thanks for posting this. very helpful.