Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Walking or Running

I've been on this running streak for over three years, and I've run every day. As part of my routine, I usually walk a bit before I run and walk a bit after. However lately I've been walking more as my wife trains for the Avon 40 mi walk in June.

It's interesting to look at walking and running. There isn't a lot of calorie difference between a purposeful walk and a slow jog. There isn't a lot of difference in the motion of the legs and I certainly get chafed when walking if I don't have good clothing. There is a lot of impact difference, and it makes me think I ought to walk some days instead of running.

My wife has been training for months, and she's gotten much stronger. She's only jogged a couple of times, but she's felt strong and it's been easy when she ran.

I keep thinking of this streak ending, and I know it will sometime. Stopping karate, and picking up some weights will give me a chance over the next few months to see how the body does and then make some decisions on how to move forward.

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